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6 Weeks - 1 year old

Angels Academy, infants are cared for in a nurturing, safe, and creative environment. Your baby’s first year of life is a critical yet amazing time filled with cognitive, emotional, and physical development, so daily needs are met with undivided attention and love. You can be confident that your child will get the same kind of care and stimulation that you, as a loving parent, would provide. Our specially trained care-givers incorporate singing, motor skills, and sensory exploration into daily activities to inspire and support your infant’s development into a smart, explorative toddler.


3 Months ​ Motor Skills • Begins to lift head when held on your shoulder. • Lifts head and chest when lying on stomach. • Begins to turn head from side to side when placed on stomach. • Begins to smile. • Follows a moving person or object with his eyes. • Discovers hands and feet. • Grasps a rattle when placed in his hand. ​ Cognitive Skills • Turns head towards bright colors and lights. • Recognizes human voice sounds. • Recognizes the bottle or breast ​ Social Skills And Language • Begins to make cooing or gurgling sounds. • Can often be quieted down by the sound of a soothing voice or when held. • Able to communicate hunger, fears, or discomfort through crying and facial expressions.

6 Months ​ Motor Skills • Holds head steady when helped to a sitting position. • Reaches for and grasps objects. Moves toys from one hand to the other. • Discovers and plays with his toes. • Rolls over. • Begins to explore by placing objects in mouth and banging. • Can pull herself to a sitting position if you grasp her hands. • May sit in a high chair with a little support. ​ Cognitive Skills • Opens her mouth when she sees the spoon at feeding time. • Responds when spoken to. • Listens intently and smiles often. • Begins to imitate familiar actions that you perform. ​ Social Skills and Language • Babbles, begins to make singsong sounds. • Recognizes familiar faces. • Shows his delight by laughing and squealing. • Yells or screams if he becomes annoyed. • Smiles at self in the mirror.

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