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Two Years Old
Younger and older twos

Two-year olds are wiggly, giggly, exciting, and very demanding. They’re busy exploring and discovering in ways that stimulate their rapid development physically, intellectually and emotionally. They are highly active, eager for attention, and eager to help. The Angels Academy program provides the structure and guidance needed throughout the day, along with moderate challenges, to help them learn and develop a fuller familiarity with the world around them. Each child’s day is filled with fun activities, each with an emphasis on social skills and interactions as a foundation for learning.


2 Years Motor Skills • Feeds self with a spoon. • Able to drink from a straw. • Walks up stairs with help. • Opens cabinets and drawers. • Bends over to pick things up without falling. • Builds a tower of 3-4 blocks. • Can roll and kick a large ball. • Begins to run. • May show a preference for one hand over the other. • Scribbles spontaneously. Cognitive Skills • Begins make believe play. • Enjoys taking things apart. • Wants to explore her surroundings. • Can and will follow directions. • Can point to 5-6 different body parts when asked. • Enjoys looking at the same books over and over again. • May express interest in potty training. Social Skills and Language • Has a vocabulary that includes several hundred words. • Begins to use 2-3 word sentences. • Learning to take turns with other children but generally plays along side, rather than with other children. • Gets angry and may have temper tantrums. • Possessive of his toys. • Refers to self either by name or by using “me” or “mine”. • Acts shy around strangers. • Likes to imitate parents or caregiver.

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